Saturday, 14 April 2018

Streams pt II

"Pals With Pollack?"

Couldn't say if I was born or dropkicked into a humorously small world. If you believe
in such things as a higher being, or creator, I would like to call him the painter.
Naming things I don't understand helps me process through life. Disconnecting
helps me believe I can "get by", while in fact, I'm just dismembering flesh and
blood from the body of existence. Not noting each brush stroke limits my ability
to get to know said painter. The idea of a personal relationship is so absurd and
yet the majority of the population would profess it as a reality. The reality
is that this humorously small world is not actually that small. The dimensions
of this painting aren't measurable. We are constantly born and dropkicked.


"Filling the Jello Mold"

Cracks in the pavement like our "constant" belief system which we believe in and of itself
is solid. Belief systems and religion don't placate. The cracks are veins proving we
exist. Of course you're going to contradict yourself a week later, or maybe even
the next day. If we try to avoid even contradiction, then the pavement we walk
on becomes jello. Even religion can turn into a self-absorbed side show that takes
the Lord's name in vain. Don't think you're the only one. The weight of all humans
rests on this holy floor. We walk amongst angels and yet we do pop-up circus shows
pointing to clowns. We have a case of high sensitivity and absolute fear. 

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